Category: Site

  • New things

    Like most people, when new things come out I am immediately attracted to them, in the IT community you can often push this a little further and grab at things before they are ‘new’. I first started using gmail and windows 7 when they were both early on in their beta and was impressed with…

  • Host switch

    Any frequent users of any of the services run on the domain might have noticed that a lot of things have begun to forward to At the beginning of the month I got an email from the people who currently host who have decided to go bust. Basically by the start of…

  • BNC Accounts

    Well some people have been pestering me on IRC lately for BNC accounts, so I thought i’d make a bit of information available. You probably wont be able to get a BNC if you are looking here, the path of least resistance is to bug Allegra in #kh, but unless she knows you, you’ll probably…

  • Darwin the IRC RuneScape stats bot

    Over time I have ran quite a few IRC bots, IRC being Internet Relay Chat for people without the know. An IRC bot, is a bit of script or program that does automated tasks on a chat channel. Now, KHBOT was a creation of mine which stood the torrents of time, that is until I…

  • Mail!

    Well just a few days ago I got accepted for the gmail for domains beta, basically you point your dns at google, and then let it handle your mail, currently I have a 25 ‘user’ limit (I’ll get to that in a second) and it looks pretty neat. I have quite obviously as the…

  • Another borked system!

    Its rare that I make a post that isn’t related to this site or to the connected people, but today I’ve decided that I will expand on this, from now on, I’m going to start posting random crap into a separate category with some techno-babble and other random web rubbish :p For people who are…

  • Update

    Morning, well it not literally morning now, or probably when you end up reading this, but for the sake of making me make sense, assume that it is, I usually do anyway. Well thanks to Kami’s (kamz0r) influence I’ve started to play ‘Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory’ and also now got an Xfire account (khobbits) if anyone…

  • Heh, Star Empires re-hosted.

    For some unknown reason, i decided to re-host my good ol’ first php game called “Star Empires” it wasn’t exactly great fun, but it made for nice php learning, and was ok for a little bit of a challenge. It got to about vr 0.5 before i gave up on it. I don’t really have…